Cathode electrophoretic coating
Principles: Electrophoretic coating works in the following maner.When a DC current applied to the two electrodes,with work pieces immersed in the water-soluble coating material as the nagative electrode(or positive electrode) and the other corresponding electrodes as the positive one(or negative electrode),the action of the electric field makes charged ions of coating material settle onto the surface of work pieces and thereby from a paint film.depending on how work pieces are treated,as the positive electrode or the negative electrode,the electrophoretic coating can be classified into positive electrophotrtic coating and negative electrophotrtic coating.
Characteristics:It is High production effiviencyand facilitates the realization of systematization and automation,The thickness of the film is even and the paint film bonds well Good resistance tocorrosion Coating material can be applied on working surfaces of different forms. The eate of utilization of coating material is high and the cost is low No poisonous gases or paint fog is generated,which is good for improving working environments.Color switching is not easy to occur.